Read the interview we had with Geidis Mantilom, šahistkinjom sa Kube, koja šah trenira skoro 10 godina.

1. Can you tell us something about yourself? What is your name, how old are you and where are you from?

"My name is Geydis Mantilla. I'm 22 years old from Cuba, but I'm living in Mexico."

2. How long have you been practicing chess and who are your chess idols?

"I've been practicing chess since I was 8 and my chess idol is José Raúl Capablanca, he was an exceptional player and he was born in Cuba too."

3. Which opening do you play the most?

"I play the most The Spanish Opening and the Sicilian Defense, I like the style and middle games these openings leads to."

4. Have you read any books about chess?

"I've read many book about chess, among them I would like to highlight "General Treatise on Chess" of Roberto Grau."

5. Are you a member of a chess club and if so, which club?

"No, I'm not a member of the chess club."

6. Can you single out some success and tell us more about it?

"Some of my main achievements are that I got the WFM title at the age of 13, I won the Cuban National Youth Championship in 2017 and in 2018 I fulfilled the first requirement for WFM."

7. What are your future plans for chess?

"I plan to achieve the two WIM norms I have left and continue improving my rating."

8. Would you recommend the younger generation of boys and girls to try chess?

"I recommend new generations to invest hours in training, because that's the only way you can achieve the best results." And always be kind to your opponent by trying to show humility and improve, not only as a player, but also as a person."
