Read the interview we had with Dogom Benlidai, a volleyball player from Turske, koja odbojku trenira skoro 10 godina.

1. Možeš li nam reći nešto više o sebi? Kako se zoveš, kako imaš godina i odakle si?

"My name is Doga Benildai, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Turkey."

2When did you become interested in volleyball and when did you start training?

"My interest in volleyball started in the 5th grade of primary school thanks to the physical education teacher. Actually, at first my teacher was very hopeless towards me, but soon he realized that I play better than everyone else and said that I should play in a club. That's how I took my first step in amateur volleyball."

3How much are you tall and what position do you play?

"I am 165 cm tall. Actually, I played as a middle blocker, but because I'm short, I play more as a libero."

4Who are your idols in sports in general, and who in volleyball?

"My idol in sports is former British footballer Gary Lineker. Has FIFA fair play awards. He has never seen a single yellow card in his life. In volleyball, my idol is Neslihan Demir, who inspired many girls to start playing volleyball in Turkey."

5In which club did you start training and in which club are you today?

"I started playing volleyball at DSI Sport Club, and now I play at Akdeniz University."

6Can you single out some of the successes you achieved with the club?

"I received the MVP award in 2019 and the award for the best libero in 2021."

7. What are your future plans for volleyball?

"My goal is to represent my country in the best possible way in America. I'm not going to continue playing volleyball after college, I'm going to focus on space and rocket engineering, which is the major I'm going to study."

8Would you recommend the younger generation of boys and girls to try volleyball?

,,Odbojka vam neće doprineti samo u sportskom smislu, već će vam omogućiti da postignete sve ono najbolje što se tiče poboljšanja samopouzdanja i uspostavljanja novih prijateljstava. Ona je moj neprijatelj i moj prijatelj, moja noćna mora, moja uteha, moja rana i moj melem. Odbojka nije samo sport!“
