Read the interview we had with Agata Hushkova, devojkom iz Češke, koja šah trenira više od 10 godina.

1. Can you tell us something about yourself? What is your name, how old are you and where are you from?

"My name is Agáta Hušková and I’m 18. I come from the Czech Republic from a small town on North (close to the German border) called Liberec."

2How long have you been practicing chess and who are your chess idols?

"I’ve started playing chess when I was in kindergarden. When I enterred primary school I had my first tournaments. So It’s been about 13 years. I personally don’t have any chess idol. But I really like Judit Polgar, mostly becouse she’s a succesfull woman, who beats men."

3Which opening do you play the most?

"When I play white, I use opened openings - such as e4, than if it’s possible I play mostly italian, sometimes spanish or some not well-known openings to confuse opponent. As black I’m more closed. It depends on the first move from white, but It’s mostly a closed opening."

4Have you read any books about chess?

"Yes, but I should do it more often. I’m quite lazy to do that."

5Are you a member of a chess club and if so, which club?

"Yes, I’m a member since I was 5 or 6. As I said before I live in Liberec and there are like three clubs. I’m a member of TJ Desko Liberec, but I also hosted few times for other Czech clubs."

6Can you single out some success and tell us more about it?

"My biggest success was third place on Czech championship. It was in 2018. Then I had a chance to play in Slovakia European youth chess championship. I had three and half points I think. It was the year after (2019), so I don’t know it properly… But I know that I’ve won two times and had a few draws. I find my result quite good in comparison to my skills with other girls."

7What are your future plans for chess?

"I don’t play chess that much now, because I wasn’t improving that much last years. But I teach young children and I really love it. I made a training licence last year and I’m thinking about doing the arbiter."

8Would you recommend the younger generation of boys and girls to try chess?

"Yes for sure! It helps you in many ways. It teachs you how to think more complex and also makes you play fair and work in a team. If I’ll have my own children one day, I’d defenetly show them how to play."

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