Read the interview we had with Adita Anant, a young girl from India, who has been practicing chess for almost 8 years.
1. Can you tell us something about yourself? What is your name, how old are you and where are you from?
,,Ja sam Aditi Anant i napunila sam 16 godina u julu. Ja sam iz Ahmedabada, grada u Indiji, ali živim na Kipru poslednjih 7 godina.“
2. How long have you been practicing chess and who are your chess idols?
"I was introduced to chess as an 8-year-old, I was in an on and off again relationship with it until very recent as I never took a huge interest before. However, during the global lockdown I got really interested in Chess. I started playing for fun, but after the completion of my first tournament in July 2021, I knew I wanted to pursue Chess as a career. As a chess player, I have always aspired to have Judit Polgar's killer instincts, aggressive play and Mikhail Tal's fearless sacrificial play."
3. Which opening do you play the most?
"Although underestimated, I love playing with the London System as white and as Black I prefer the Caro-Kann, but sometimes I also play with the French Defense."
4. Have you read any books about chess?
"Yes, I enjoy reading books about chess, currently I'm reading Artur Yusupov's books and Aron Nimzowitsch's my system book Usually I set up my board, and I follow along on the board, as I feel it's the most effective way to self-study chess."
5. Are you a member of a chess club and if so, which club?
"I am, I actually became a part of Paphos Chess Club last November."
6. Can you single out some success and tell us more about it?
"I think within my 1 and a half year of playing in tournamnets, few of my biggest achievements has to be winning first place in Cyprus youth under 16 girls championship, and clinching second place in Cyprus women's open last year. Also playing in FIDE's online youth rapid & blitz championship was very exciting for me as it was only my second tournament."
7. What are your future plans for chess?
"I want to clinch titles in the coming years, as a professional player."
8. Would you recommend the younger generation of boys and girls to try chess?
"Without a doubt, I would. I think everyone can benefit from learning how to play chess, it teaches us many important lessons about thinking, helps manage anxiety, improves focus, and critical thinking to say the least."